$14.00 USD
Sectigo PositiveSSL
SSL by Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA). Domain SSL is a domain validation certificate with the complete support of both RSA and ECC hash algorithms for the same price.
Our SSL comes with a lock that appears at the address bar of all known browsers and mobile devices. It is suitable for small and medium websites, mail servers, start-ups or any other online projects. The validation process is fast and easy as all you need is to confirm domain ownership via one of the available methods.
$200.00 USD
Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard
The Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard SSL is a very accessible product for a low-cost price. High 256-bit protection with SHA2 hash algorithm makes it competitive with major market players. It has great 99.6% browser compatibility with excellent mobile device support. Choose that SSL when need immediate protection right here right now.
It comes with unlimited free reissues, unlimited sub-domain support and unlimited free server licensing, that means it is possible to secure everything under same domain using many servers. Some competitors charge an additional price for every single server license. Use dedicated IP or SNI Technology to install PositiveSSL Wildcard certificate.
Forget about documents and extended verification, since no paperwork requires. The only thing the certification center needs to prove domain ownership via email or any other alternative methods. Thousands of start-ups, small and medium companies, as well as individuals, use PositiveSSL Wildcard for many years
$35.00 USD
SSL Certificates
Secures single domain
Domain validation
No paperwork
128/256 bit encryption
99.3% browser compatibility
FREE Static Site Seal
Unlimited Re-Issuance Policy
$10,000 Warranty